12. Social Responsibility Policy

Aluminij Industries d.o.o. is dedicated to the development of the community in which we work. We consider it our duty to be drivers of development and initiators of the modernization of society, while at the same time respecting the environment and the society in which we live.

We stand for open communication, development and compliance with the requirements of the SA 8000 standard. The fundamental approach to social responsibility is respect for the rule of law and legal obligations. We respect national and international instruments and their interpretation.

We strive to provide a pleasant working environment for our employees by understanding their wishes and needs. We encourage suppliers and other legal entities (companies) and individuals with whom we cooperate to support social responsibility guidelines.

We believe that the success and sustainable development of Aluminij Industries comes as a result of the organization's ability to achieve its goals in the long term, while paying attention to the needs and expectations of all interested parties alike: customers and consumers, workers, owners, suppliers, partners and the wider community.

We have identified eight areas of special interest:

  • Child labor
  • Forced labor
  • Health and safety
  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
  • Discrimination
  • Disciplinary measures
  • Working hours
  • Fees/compensation for work

We have decided to fulfill the applicable requirements from the SA 8000 standard and the requirements of national labor laws.

Copies of this Policy are displayed in visible locations within the company's workplaces and are communicated to all employees, as well as the public and other interested parties upon request. The adequacy of the policy is reviewed periodically, and changes must be approved by the company's director before publication.

The company director is responsible for reviewing the adequacy, appropriateness and effectiveness of the SA 8000 social responsibility policy, procedures and results at least once a year.

To maintain the policy and fulfill the applicable instructions of this standard, we have selected a management representative for management systems.



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