The products and services of Aluminij Industries must meet the requirements, needs and expectations of customers and other interested parties, with which we achieve greater things, satisfaction of customers and other interested parties and increased market share of our products.
The quality policy is an integral part of Aluminij Industries`s business policy. It is in in accordance with the development plans of Aluminij Industries, the expectations of current and new ones customers, with the requests of other interested parties and with the requests given in the ISO 9001:2015 norm.
The quality policy includes the obligation to constantly improve efficiency and effectiveness of the quality management system.
In this way, we achieve the inclusion of all organizational units, every employee, and also suppliers and partners, to act on achieving optimal quality products and services.
The general quality goals of Aluminij Industries are constantly increasing the company’s profit, constantly increasing the satisfaction of customers and other interested parties, development pf Aluminij Industries, increasing the reputation of Aluminij Industries, increasing satisfaction, motivation and pride of employees and the economic development of the entire region. That in order to achieve this, the Management of Alumini Industries determines specific individual ones quality objectives for each business year.
The management of Aluminij Industries supervises the effectiveness of the system quality management by constant supervision, monitoring of customer satisfaction and of other interested parties, by the management’s assessment, by comparison with those better than themselves and planned internal assessments (audits) of the quality management system.