1. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy


Aluminij Industries (hereinafter “Aluminij” or “we”) has the responsibility of approving the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy for all employees and companies under M.T. Abraham Group, that are engaged with the mutual goal of creating a work environment that fosters Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

People are the most important asset of Aluminij, for this reason the difference and plurality of people, equality of opportunities, non-discrimination and inclusion in the workplace are priority and strategic factors in the organization.

Aluminij maintains a strong will to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion, through inclusive leadership as a lever change and business sustainability.

A truly diverse and inclusive culture is crucial to helping us grow our business and attract, develop, and retain talent.

This policy focuses on creating a climate which allows diversity in all of the following areas: gender, age, sexual orientation, culture, race, religion, thought, education, talent, social condition, individual quality, work style, disability, special needs or any other circumstance of employees; and, at the same time, rejecting any type of discrimination for said reasons which may prevent the growth of Aluminij or that affects selection, retention, development and well-being of its employees.

Equity, diversity, and inclusion is a business and commercial imperative in Aluminij, and a diverse workforce strengthens our culture and our ability to deliver our business objectives. We expect and need our workforce to perform at their best and we strive to create a culture that embraces different perspectives to drive the business forward. This policy sets out our approach to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Aluminij is committed to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion through the socially responsible, integrating, inclusive and transversal management of its human team, based on the variety of different cultures, backgrounds, knowledge, skills and experiences to develop the full potential of the organization, providing equal opportunities to promote equity in the workplace, non-discrimination, direct or indirect, on the basis of sex, age, race, religion, sexual orientation, thought, education, social condition, culture, work style, talent, individual quality or special needs such as illness, disability, accident or family situation, and inclusion to provide fair opportunities of work for people with disabilities, older people or people from vulnerable situations.


All of our employees, and companies under M.T. Abraham Group are responsible for ensuring that we meet our commitments.

All Aluminij’s employees have a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect at all times.

We expect our employees and contractors to speak openly and raise concerns about possible breaches of the Code of Conduct and this policy.

Aluminij has zero tolerance for retaliation against anyone who speaks openly about conduct they believe is unethical, illegal, or not in line with our Code of Conduct and policies, even if the concern isn’t substantiated, as long as they have not knowingly made a false report.

Any employee found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be subject to disciplinary action.

Any questions regarding this Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy may be directed to the Human Resources team at Aluminij.


This Policy shall be reviewed from time.



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